Interactive RegistrationTM
Recently Released Names
The Jockey Club released 28,129 names from active use on December 20, 2024, and published them below in an effort to assist owners in identifying an appropriate name for their Thoroughbreds. This list is updated daily to remove names as they are claimed. Owners and breeders should be aware that The Jockey Club regularly upgrades its phonetic software so the possibility exists that a similar-sounding name may already be in use. Names appearing on the recently released names list must be approved by the Jockey Club before use (see Rule 6F of the Principal Rules and Requirements of The American Stud Book).
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Data provided by The Jockey Club is generally accurate but occasionally errors occur as a result of incorrect data received from others, mistakes in processing, and other causes. The Jockey Club disclaims responsibility for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate having them called to its attention.