All Fees Payable in U.S. Dollars

Foal Registration Fees

If all requirements are met within the one-year deadline for foals of 2024 $260
If all requirements are met within the one-year deadline for foals of 2025 $265
If all requirements are met by December 31 of yearling year $600
If all requirements are met by December 31 of 2-year-old year $860
If all requirements are met after December 31 of 2-year-old year $2100
If DNA kit is used and foal is not registered $90

Notes :

  • Requirements include:
    fully completed and signed Application for Foal Registration check, money order, or credit card payment for the appropriate fee four (4) color photographs clearly indicating all identification marks (a close-up photograph of the face may be necessary with no white markings horses) Service Certificate signed by the stallion owner/agent Genetic type of the sire and dam on file with The Jockey Club
  • Foal Registration Fees includes Genetic Typing, parentage verification, any corrections necessary to the Certificate of Foal Registration made within six (6) months from the date of issuance and all valid attempts to name a horse by February 1 of its 2-year-old year. Requirements not received by The Jockey Club by the dates indicated will result in additional fees.

Naming Fees :

If first name attempt is after February 1 of its 2-year-old year $110
Name change $135
Name reserved for one year $110

Genetic Typing Fees :

Restart/reactivation of DNA typing $90

Stallion Report (Report of Mares Bred) :

Stallion Report (Report of Mares Bred) Fee (per mare bred) 2023 and earlier Breeding Season $35
Stallion Report (Report of Mares Bred) Fee (per mare bred) 2024 Breeding Season $37
Stallion Report (Report of Mares Bred) Fee (per mare bred) 2025 Breeding Season $40

Corrections :

Corrections Fee $85

Duplicates :

Duplicates Fee $185

Certificate of Export :

If all Requirements are met within 60 days from departure from the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico $250
If all Requirements are met after 60 days from departure from the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico $500

Certificate of Foreign Registration :

If all requirements are completed within sixty (60) days of the horse's arrival into the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico $250
If all requirements are completed after sixty (60) days and up until one year of the horse's arrival into the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico $500
If all requirements are not completed within one year of the horse's arrival into the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico, and the horse is eligible for late registration $825

Horses registered in The American Stud Book returning from a foreign country :

Horses registered in The American Stud Book returning from a foreign Country Fee $250

Express Processing :

Next business day $220
Two or three business days $135

$25 of nearly all registry-related transactions is allocated to Thoroughbred aftercare

Revised January 2025